Minneapolis and Me

Saturday, July 25, 2009
I'm not too sure who my audience is at this point (or if I even have one), but this post is probably of more interest to people who know me.

I know this is supposed to be a blog about Daejeon, but it's also a blog about me. And hey, I'm not in Daejeon yet, so why not write a bit about college and Minneapolis! I just moved back to my parents house this past week, and after 5 years in Minneapolis, I think it's worthy of some attention.

For those of you who don't know, I graduated this spring from the University of Minnesota with a BA, double majoring in Asian Languages and Literatures (Japanese) and Mathematics. The homestretch was pretty rough in regards to my math classes, but I survived somehow.

Anyway, don't get me wrong, there were definitely some enjoyable classes and professors at school, especially within the Japanese department. But with that said, I think the thing that really made my college experience special was all the different people that I met. Without you, college would have been pretty lame. Unfortunately, if I tried to call out everybody here in list form, I think it would get pretty long. So, I'm just going to have to give everybody a blanket thank you very much.

However, there is one thing I'd like to address. As you may or may not know (and most of you probably don't, I didn't talk about it much), I was pretty down on myself for a couple of months this past winter. Anyway, in light of that, I made it my New Years Resolution to make my final college semester better and happier than the one that preceded it. (I even wrote a Facebook note about it, if you feel inclined to read it.) And through this spring and summer, I feel confident in saying that I succeeded in my goal. I have all of the awesome people that I hung out with to thank for that. So, if you spent any time with me this past semester or during summer, thanks for making me laugh, smile, or just keeping me company. I needed it, I really appreciated it, and I feel a lot better now than I did during the winter.

Mmm...yeah, that was a bit sappy, but whatever. I hope somebody reads this and it brightens up their day a bit.

Again, thanks! Til next time...

Quick Update (Visa)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hello faithful readers!

Just thought I'd say that I got my passport back in the mail today from the Korean Consulate in Chicago, with my visa stamped in.

So, I now have my visa and my plane ticket. There shouldn't be any more barriers preventing me from leaving for Korea.

That means this is for realz. And I leave in less than a month. Good thing I have some stuff to keep me busy until then (more on that later though).


New title, minor update, random musings

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Alright, let's do these out of order.

First, minor update: When I received my contract in the mail, it was actually from the Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education. So, despite what I said in my previous post, I will be going to Daejeon, assuming I have no unexpected problems.

I've already bought a plane ticket, and hopefully I'll have my passport back in possession from the Chicago Korean consulate this week. Once I get that, I'm basically 100% good to go.

Next, new title: I'm three posts in and already I've renamed my blog! Anyway, as you see there are two parts to it. "The Great Escape" is indicative of the fact that I'm "escaping" the U.S. of A. Now, don't misunderstand me; it's not that I have any huge issues with the United States or anything like that. It's just that right now, I'm young, I'm a little bored here, and going abroad sounds like a nice escape. I suppose only time will tell how this line of thinking works out.

As for the second part of the title, it's fairly self-evident. I still want this to be a blog about my experiences in Daejeon, and leaving that bit in the title should help my blog's marketability, so to speak. Anyway, I hope I didn't just bore you to death with overanalysis, and feel free to let me know what you think!

Lastly, random musings: I only know a few people in Korea, and they all live in Seoul. I don't know anybody who lives in Daejeon. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm worried, but I have been wondering how I'll make new friends. I won't be in a college environment anymore, so I'll have to be a bit more proactive perhaps. On one hand, I'm kind of introverted and shy, but on the other hand I feel like I somehow manage to meet cool people wherever I go. Anyway, more encouragement never hurts! (A shout out to my friend Fernanda for giving me some!)

That's all for now. I should probably proof read (I'm pretty tired), but I'm going to pass on that for now. I have another post planned for the near future though, so stay tuned! Until next time...