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Seonhwa Elementary

This is a view of the school from the front. Only half of this building is actually the school, the other half is some sort of Educational Office or something.

This is the English room at Seonhwa. It's also my office. It has 3 big LCDs, and one of them is actually a touch screen that you can use to control the cursor on the computer. The touch screen is nice...but for whatever reason, even if you turn the TV off, the touch screen is still active. Needless to say, students can't seem to keep their hands off it while I'm using my computer...*sigh*
Jungang Elementary

This is the view from the front. This is actually the only picture of it I have, I think I'll try to get some more.

This is Jungang's English room. I'm in an office with some other teachers at Jungang, so it's only used when class is being taught. It has only one LCD screen...and it isn't even a touch screen! Actually, I think I like this setup more because it's nice and simple, and I don't have students molesting the TV after classes. I there are 5 computers in the middle of the room, I haven't seen those used at all. And the desk in the back (by the 2 tables) was originally going to be my desk I think, but I'm glad I'm in a shared office at this school.
This is a semi-staged shot of me teaching. My co-teacher wanted to get some photos for a local newspaper, so we brought in the class that had missed my lesson and ran the bit about American lunch.

These photos were basically staged, I never get to work with a group this small. It was pretty easy to get everybody to laugh doing my "Hello, how are you today? How is the weather today?" shtick though. But wait, it gets better... co-teacher told me that she gathered the unmarried teachers in our school to be in some photos with Mrs. Choi! *blush*
Alright, that's all for now! See you next time!
wow - clean and bright classes
damn bro.. ur school is pimpin!
OMG, the pix bring me memories from my childhood in Korea except the environment, supplies, building and almost everything look 10000000 times better XD
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